Financial Giving at Redeemer
An Invitation
Our challenge is to find ways to grow deeper in our faith. One way to do this is to offer our financial blessings to God through our tithes and offerings. Through these gifts, we invest in God's vision and purpose and create an opportunity for God to work through us. Our gifts to God each week are an act of worship; and our offerings are vitally necessary to change lives, transform communities, and renew mainline churches.
Why is giving important?
The Bible has much to say about wisdom and finances, with 2,300 verses that tell us to be generous and good stewards of our resources. Jesus taught generosity and sacrifice. The mission of the church is to "Make Disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world". Giving enables the church to do that. Whether it is through preaching, teaching, feeding the poor, visiting the sick etc., your giving enables us to transform the world one person at a time.
How can I give?
Giving to Church of the Redeemer United Methodist is easy. There are currently three ways to give. First, we collect an offering at every worship service and you may simply place your tithe or offering in the collection plate as it passes you by. Contact the Church office is would like offering envelopes. Second, checks may be sent to Church of the Redeemer United Methodist, 235 McNaughten Road, Columbus, Ohio, 43213. Finally, your tithes and offerings can be taken automatically from your bank account using EFT or a Debit Card. Visit our online giving page for more information.
Should I use Electronic Funds Transfer?
Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) is the easiest, most cost-effective giving option for both you and the church. With EFT, you can reinforce your commitment to give your tithes and offerings to God first, before anything else. One easy step each year guarantees that the church will receive your gifts on a regular basis, even if you are out of town or you forget one week.
And on a practical note, EFT reduces the need for additional staff to process offerings. If you choose this option, you must either return an Electronic Giving Authorization Form or set up your giving through our online giving page. For more information contact us at (614) 861-7160.
Thank You!
Your gifts are an act of worship and an investment in opportunities for God to work through us. Our prayer is that you will find greater contentment and simplicity in your life as you put God first in your giving and living, and that you will experience the joy that comes from knowing our gifts honor God and change lives.